Night-Wind’s Mystic Consideration

In ancient times, shamans, priests, or those known as mystics were always on the hunt for methods by which they could communicate with the silent underground realm. Ever since the Wayob gradually began to manifest, reacting to the resonance between the lone hero and the Nightsouls, this had been so.

Entrancement, disembodiment, and theurgy were the main methods they chose, each accomplished through the aid of meticulously polished ritual tools.


The “lone hero” is Chaac, and the Nightsouls must be his friends that had died.

Night-Wind’s Mystic Premonition

Ancient psychics believed that the Wayob, as formless entities of consciousness, were beings stripped of externality and thus the closest thing to the essence of the spirit.

The process of polishing rough stones until all texture had been removed, turning them into mirrors of pure light, was also seen as a ritual for removing the surface representations of worldly phenomena. Perhaps the reflections that these psychics saw upon the smooth surface of the mirrors were projections of their own spirits…

Night-Wind’s Mystic Augury

When intangible spirits attach themselves to objects, they merge and transform into various forms through a process known as spiritual fusion. Once this has taken place, these spirits are capable of conveying dreamlike visions to humans in a state of trance.

It fell upon those who frequently engaged in such dialogues with the spirits to interpret these vision-like dreams, translating omens from beneath the earth into language that could be understood by the tribe, or transforming their warnings into stories. It is said that this is the origin of the tribal storytellers, and also why most outstanding storytellers hail from the Night-Wind.

Night-Wind’s Mystic Revelation

Regardless of how they are polished, representations of worldly matter cannot be made to transcend their physical nature — they will always remain material in essence. Similarly, pure human spirit can neither be expressed solely through the “tree” of intention, nor embodied through obsidian mirrors that need constant polishing. As the power of the Night Kingdom and the Nightsouls grew, so too did the types of objects that could be used for spiritual fusion. Eventually, the Wayob came to be capable of conveying revelations of the Night Kingdom through various thoughts alone, dispensing of the need for devotees to perform the ritual of polishing stones into mirrors. Thus were such ritual tools rendered obsolete.