This jade vessel was created by a hero of yesteryear. Legend has it that it once shot the giant dragon that dwelt in the volcano down from the skies.

Long, long ago, in what now is seen as an age of myth, when great dragons still roamed above the scorched lands, having passed through countless trials, the lost twin heroes reunited once more before the evil dragon’s corpse, and made a vow.


These may or may not be the same twin heroes from Unfinished Reverie.

Fun fact: Xbalanque is also a hero twin.

”Father lost his life due to the Dragonlord’s impulsive whims, and Mother sacrificed herself to protect her children."

"Were it not for the assistance of the Collective of Plenty and the clans of the mines, Ahpub and Ixquieh reuniting would have been an impossibility."

"Therefore, we swear upon sacred Yaxche, that we will obliterate death, destruction, and pain."

"And make it so the strong of the world can never again bully the weak, and bring light to this land bereft of day and night.”

And so, following the path of “strength” and “blessings,” the twin heroes ventured forth. And the young man with an explosive temperament and the calm, unflappable young girl accompanied one another, each complementing the other’s shortcomings…


This sounds like it could be talking about the Unfinished Reverie group — Yupanqui is the young man with an explosive temperament, and Sakkuk is the calm, unflappable young girl. But it doesn’t mention Xbalanque or the craftsman.

”Me and mine are but frail mortals, whilst thou are a great dragon who can shake the heavens themselves, the wind and rain at thy beck and call."

"Thou may summon thy flashing lightning thrice. Should thou fail to strike us down, then thou must endure three of our blows.”


This makes me think this is the dragon mentioned in Chain Breaker that joined the Flower-Feather clan 1000 years ago.

”O Great Dragon, thou art known to boast of thy pride and noble nature, dost thou not have the courage to vie with mortals? Or dost thou only dare to flee?”

Such was the challenge issued to the conceited, self-proclaimed sun god, and with a strength far beyond mortal ken. They faced the thunder and lightning that shook the very mountains, and finally, with but a blowdart did they shoot the false sun from the sky.


”Self-proclaimed sun god” — this makes me think of the Sacred Lord of Cinder City, which would make another connection to Unfinished Reverie. But it also reminds me of the Volcano Lord killed by Chaac and the Sage in Records of Hanan Pacha (which they defeated in a very similar way).

”See, O Glorious King? How could the crude arts of ordinary mortals forge such a beautiful gem?"

"Our Master has given me and my foolish brother orders to come and offer you a secret salve with which to heal your wounds."

"The gem that our master bestowed upon us is here. Please, you may inspect it personally. Really, how could we possibly harm you?”

In this way, an imitation gemstone that seemed perfectly identical to the original, forged with fire hitherto unknown to mortals, fooled the earthquake-causing great dragon into drinking the elixir which stripped it of its power, and thus was it buried alive amidst the mountains.

Countless legends of adventure that beggar the imagination would later become the origins of the traditions of both the Collective of Plenty and the mines, and at the crossroads where all roads end, the twin heroes who met the warrior walked with him together into the night wind…


Does this mean the twins are from the Collective of Plenty and the Children of Echoes? What is the “crossroads where all roads end”? Is this warrior Xbalanque?

”O Brave Hero, should thy path lead to executing fell dragons…” “O Brave Hero, should thy path lead to stamping out suffering…” “We swear upon sacred Yaxche and the ancestors…” “Ahpub’s blowdarts and Ixquieh’s forge-fires shall be yours to use.”